An EEPROM (Electrically-Erasable Programmable ROM) data memory is one of the important features of flash-based PIC microcontrollers. It is called non-volatile to indicate that it retains the data even when the power is down. Practically speaking, if you want to design a digital lock system, then the password to unlock the system can be saved into the EEPROM, so that when the power is down, the password will still be saved. And other good thing is that the data can be easily modified or overwritten with software control. In this experiment, I am going to show you how to read and write in to the internal EEPROM memory of PIC16F628A using mikroC EEPROM library functions. Here is what we are going to do: We will write 0s to 10 EEPROM locations. We will read them first, then write 0-9 to these locations, and turn the power off. We will turn the power on, and read the data in those locations and see. I have created a simple menu on LCD with Read, Write and Delete functions. Experimental...
PIC Programming in C