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Development board for PIC16F628A, PIC16F88, PIC16F1827, and PIC16F1847 microcontrollers

I recently made a second version of my old 18-pin PIC development board with much more peripheral chips.This board is best suitable for doing experiments with enhanced mid-range PIC microcontrollers, such as PIC16F1827 and PIC16F1847. The board has I/O port expander, external EEPROM, temperature sensor, Quad OpAmp, digital potentiometer chips, and many more features.

Check out the details of the development board HERE.


  1. Dear Sir,
    Please I need your help. I am new to Microcontrollers. I am using PIC 16F628A with miKroC. I am trying to blink leds on portb in continous loop after i press a pushbutton at PORTA.F7. the leds blink till the pusbutton is pressed but stop if i release it. i am using push to on tactile switch. i dont want to use on off pushbutton.

    void main() {

    TRISB = 0b00010000; // PORTB all output
    TRISA = 0b11111111; // PORTA All inputs,

    do {
    if (Button(&PortA,7 , 20, 0)) {
    if (!PORTA.F7) {
    PORTB = 0b00001111;
    PORTB = 0b00000000;
    while (!PORTA.F7); // Wait till the button is released

    please please help !
    my email is

  2. pic16F877 and code mikroc projrct temperature

  3. Help to write an assembly programing with PIC16f887 micro to transfer data thru USART

    We are using a PIC16F887 board to execute it.

    In this project we want to establish a simple asynchronous channel for communication in assembly language. Initially we need to initialize the device for this purpose in which we specify the mode of operation, baud rate, etc. We need a module to handle reading from the receiver side and the third module will be for writing to transmitter side. Using 8 bits for data and baud rate of 19200 for this purpose. In this project we simply receive a character from the hyper-terminal and send it back to hyper-terminal to display it again. So, for every character typed on hyper-terminal two of the same character must be displayed on hyper-terminal. You should configure the hyper terminal for this mode of operation as well.

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